Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.13, No.7, 1122-1130, December, 2007
A Study on the Design of the Solar Lamp Bank of Metal Halide-Infrared Lamps Combination Method
A solar lamp bank, a very important part of a solar simulator, has been developed by combining commercial metal halide lamps and infrared lamps. A program for a design of a lamp bank based on a point light source theory has also been developed in this study. The reliability of the program for lamp bank design has been verified by radiance experiments with a lamp for horizontal distances. The perfect solar lamp bank was developed according to the test guidelines. A ceiling board shape put next to the lamp bank has been designed to promote cooling efficiency of the lamp and to reduce the temperature and air velocity deviations in the chamber. It has been confirmed that the partially closed type ceiling board was the best when compared to several other types of ceiling boards.
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