Powder Technology, Vol.178, No.1, 17-21, 2007
Settling velocity of cubes in Newtonian and power law liquids
New extensive data on the free settling velocity of thirty cubes of various densities and sizes falling in scores of Newtonian and Power law liquids are reported herein to supplement the existing data, for there is very little prior data on cubes in power law liquids. The new data embrace the range of conditions as follows: sphericity of 0.805; power law index, 0.61 to 1 and consistency index, 0.0078-15.31 Pa s"; Reynolds number, 0.0013 to 860. The new results are shown to be consistent with an existing drag correlation which has been tested extensively using the literature data for spherical and non-spherical particles falling in Newtonian and power law liquids with acceptable levels of accuracy. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.