Electrophoresis, Vol.28, No.21, 3868-3874, 2007
"Paterniplex", a highly discriminative decaplex STR multiplex tailored for investigating special problems in paternity testing
The goal of the study was to develop a STR multiplex ("Patemiplex") that is - as supplement to commercially available multiplex kits like the Identifiler (R) kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) -suitable for solving complex paternity cases such as deficiency cases or cases with mutations. The Paterniplex comprises the nine highly polymorphic STRs D8S1132, D7S1517, D10S2325, D12S391, Se33, D17S976, Penta. E, Penta D and FGA in addition to Amelogenin as sex determination marker. The loci were selected because of their high degree of polymorphism (higher than that of the widely used TH01 marker). Only one locus, FGA, is shared with the Identifiler kit to avoid sample mix up. The study further gives details on the population genetics of the loci in a German Caucasian population (allelic distribution, Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium and forensic efficiency markers such as the Discriminating Power) and three examples for cases that could not be solved using commercially available kits alone, but using the Paterniplex in addition to a commercial kit.