Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.25, No.4, 721-726, July, 2008
Biomass gasification in internal circulating fluidized beds: a thermodynamic predictive tool
The paper deals with a high efficiency process for biomass gasification based on the concept of the internal circulating fluidized bed (ICFB). A modeling tool has been developed for the prediction of theoretical values for the main species in a syngas produced by ICFB gasification. A thermodynamic sub-model has been utilized and integrated with a simplified lumped model of the gasifier. The model predicts H2 concentration up to 61% on water free basis. The comparison with calculations for one stage gasification demonstrates ICFB process is preferable, no dilution with inert gas occurring. Among the studied variables, the steam/fuel ratio and the fuel moisture exert the largest influence on the hydrogen yield with percentage changes up to 15% in the explored range of the variables.
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