Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.25, No.4, 787-792, July, 2008
Bio-denitrification of the nitrate waste solution from the lagoon sludge in a continuous bio-reduction process
The treatment of lagoon sludge is a serious task during the decommissioning of a uranium conversion plant. The main component of the sludge is ammonium nitrate, which is a very explosive material. Therefore, biological removal of the ammonium nitrate would be an attractive process. In this work, the bio-denitrification of the nitrate solution from lagoon sludge with a continuous fermentation process was studied. The optimal conditions for removal of nitrate by Pseudomonas halodenitrificans in the continuous bio-reduction process were a C/N ratio and pH of 3.1 and 7.5, respectively, with CO2 gas control, and five times the microelements as used in a batch culture, at 30 oC. It was concluded that bio-denitrification could be applicable to lagoon sludge waste, but with some limitations.
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