Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.15, No.1, 1-7, January, 2009
A chance for Korea to advance algal-biodiesel technology
In order to reduce the effects of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the South Korean government has announced a special platform of technologies as part of an effort to minimize global climate change. To further this effort, the Korean government has pledged to increase low-carbon and carbon neutral resources for energy to replace fossil fuels and to decrease levels of carbon dioxide. Renewable and recycled energy, which constituted 2.3% of Korea’s total energy resources in 2006, will be required to reach 5% in 2011 and 9% in 2030. Biodiesel, which is currently only 1% of diesel oil consumed in South Korea, will be required to be 3% in 2012. The measures are designed to reduce the use of fossil fuels and to increase environment-friendly alternative energy. Korea emitted 591 million tons of carbon dioxide in 2005, which is a 98.7% increase from 1990. The nation is the world’s sixth largest emitter of carbon dioxide and the fastest growing emitter among members of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development countries. It is important that under the new Korean initiative, pilot scale studies evolve practices to produce algae-based biodiesel and obtain optimal harvest of such aquatic algae with anthropogenic CO2. Work should be initiated to establish a multilateral network, taking into consideration institutional infrastructure, scientific capabilities, and cost effectiveness.
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