Korean Chemical Engineering Research, Vol.47, No.3, 310-315, June, 2009
La(0.7)Sr(0.3)Co(0.3)Fe(0.7)O(3-δ) 분리막의 산소투과특성
Oxygen Permeation Properties of La(0.7)Sr(0.3)Co(0.3)Fe(0.7)O(3-δ) Membrane
La(0.7)Sr(0.3)Co(0.3)Fe(0.7)O(3-δ) 조성의 페롭스카이트 산화물을 구연산 법으로 합성하였다. 전구물질의 TGA 열분해 분석 결과 150~650 ℃에서 구연산 복합체가 분해되고, XRD 분석결과 1,000 ℃ 이후에 순수한 페롭스카이트 구조가 나타났다. 분말을 일축가압 성형 후 1,300 ℃로 소결하여 두께 1.6 mm의 치밀한 구조의 분리막을 제작하였다. La(0.7)Sr(0.3)Co(0.3)Fe(0.7)O(3-δ)의 전기 전도도는 공기분위기에서 600 ℃까지는 온도가 증가함에 따라 증가하고, 그 이상의 온도에선 결정 격자로부터의 산소결함 증가에 따라 점차 감소하였다. 700~950 ℃ 범위에서 수행된 산소투과실험에서, 투과량은 온도증가에 따라 0.045에서 0.415 ml/cm2·min로 증가하였으며, 산소투과의 활성화에너지는 89.17 kJ/mol이었다.
Perovskite-type ceramic powder, La(0.7)Sr(0.3)Co(0.3)Fe(0.7)O(3-δ), have been synthesized successfully by the citrate method. As a result of TGA for precursor, metal-citrate complex in precursor was decomposed in the temperature range of 150~650 ℃. XRD analysis showed the single perovskite structure was observed over 1,000 ℃ without impurities. Typical dense membrane with 1.6 mm thickness has been prepared using as-prepared powder by pressing unilaterally and sintering at 1,300 ℃. The electrical conductivity of La(0.7)Sr(0.3)Co(0.3)Fe(0.7)O(3-δ) membrane increased with increasing temperature at atmosphere of air and then decreased over 600 ℃ due to oxygen loss from the crystal lattice. The oxygen flux of La(0.7)Sr(0.3)Co(0.3)Fe(0.7)O(3-δ) membrane in the range of 700 to 950 ℃ increased with the increasing temperature from 0.045 to 0.415 ml/cm2·min. The activation energy for oxygen permeation was calculated to be 89.17 kJ/mol.
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