Desalination, Vol.223, No.1-3, 366-374, 2008
Development of an algerian material montmorillonite clay -Intercalation with selective long chain alkylammonium cations (Octadecytrimethylammonium, Cetylpyridium and Tetrabutylammonium) and with tellerium complexes
Di-p-anisyltelluritrichloride-MM (CH3OPhTeCl3-MM), bi-phenyltelluride-MM (Ph2Te-MM) octadecytrimethylammonium-MM (ODTMA-MM), tetrabutylammonium-MM (TBA-clay), and cetylpyridium-MM (CP-MM) were prepared and characterized to be used for further investigations as adsorbents of organic contaminants including chlorinated phenols and aromatic pesticides. The purpose of this work was to study the behaviour of a local material montmorillonite clay and to look at the ability of this montmorillonite exchanged first with selective long chain alkylamines such as ODTMA, TBA and CP and second with tellurium complexes to sorb environmentally dangerous materials such as chlorinated phenols from aqueous solutions. The work involves synthesis complexes. The method of preparation of some complexes are reported. The complex products has been further characterized by elemental analysis and infra-red spectroscopy.