Biomacromolecules, Vol.9, No.2, 640-650, 2008
Heat-induced transfer of protons from chitosan to glycerol phosphate produces chitosan precipitation and gelation
Recently, chitosan dissolved in solutions containing glycerol phosphate (GP) were found to undergo a sol-gel transition when heated and the proposed gelling mechanism was based on increasing hydrophobic interactions with temperature. Subsequently, an investigation of ionization and precipitation behavior of chitosan, including dependencies on temperature, added salt, and fraction of deacetylated monomers (f(D)) was performed. This latter study revealed important differences in the temperature dependence of pK(a) of chitosan versus GP and led us to propose an alternative hypothesis for the mechanism of gelation in chitosan-GP systems whereby heat induces transfer of protons from chitosan to glycerol phosphate thereby neutralizing chitosan and allowing attractive interchain forces to form a physical gel. To investigate this specific molecular thermogelling mechanism, temperature ramp experiments on dilute chitosan-GP solutions were performed. Chitosans with f(D) of 0.72 and 0.98 were used to prepare solutions with a range of molar ratios of GP to chitosan glucosamine monomer of 1.25 to 10 and with 0 or 150 mM added monovalent salt. Light transmittance measurements were performed simultaneously to indicate precipitation in these dilute systems as a surrogate for gelation in concentrated systems. Measured temperatures of precipitation ranged from 15 to 85 degrees C, where solutions with less GP (used in a disodium salt form) had lower precipitation temperatures. A theoretical model using acid-base equilibria with temperature dependent pK(a)'s, including the electrostatic contribution from the polyelectrolytre nature of chitosan, was used to calculate the degree ionization of chitosan (alpha, the fraction of protonated glucosamine monomer) as a function of temperature and showed a significant decrease in alpha with increased temperature due to proton transfer from chitosan to GP. This heat-induced proton transfer from chitosan to GP was experimentally confirmed by P-31 NMR measurements during temperature ramp experiments since the chemical shift of P-31 of GP is an indicator of its level of protonation. By assuming average temperature independent values of alpha(p) that were calculated from measured T-p, the model was able to accurately predict measured temperatures of precipitation (T-p) of all chitosan-GP mixtures. The resulting c p were temperature independent but increased with increased chitosan f(D) and with increased salt. Measurements and theory revealed that T, can be adjusted in a predictable manner by changing the chitosan-GP molar ratio and thereby systematically tailored to obtain a large range of precipitation temperatures. Finally, similar temperature ramp experiments using inorganic phosphate and MES in place of GP demonstrated that the temperature-induced precipitation of chitosan also occurs with these buffers, confirming that the key feature of the buffer used with chitosan is its ability to absorb heat-stimulated release of chitosan protons and facilitate chitosan neutralization. A theoretical expression for the variation of chitosan ionization degree with temperature in a system composed of two titratable species (chitosan and buffer) was derived and allowed us to establish the required characteristics of the buffer for efficient heat-stimulated proton transfer between a chitosan and the buffer. These results provide a useful explanation for the mechanism of heat-induced gelation of chitosan-based systems that could be explited for numerous practical applications.