Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol.47, No.10, 3364-3371, 2008
Experimental and correlational studies of a Vickers-Zimmer style polyester finisher
An 8-in. (0.203 m)-diameter Vickers-Zimmer disk style polyester finisher was tested using carboxymethylcellulose and corn syrup solutions. The processor consisted of a spoked-disk style agitator, with 20, 5-spoke disks, in a horizontal cylindrical vessel. To prevent the liquid batch from rotating with the disks, stationary breaker bars, between each of five adjacent disks, and 210 degrees baffle plates, between every fifth disk, were installed. Fractional liquid holdup, agitator power, angles of batch rise and depression at the vessel walls, fractional liquid film coverage of the spoked disk Cutouts, and mass-transfer coefficients were all determined experimentally. Dimensionless correlations were developed for (1) fractional liquid disk holdup, (2) agitator power requirements, (3) angles of rise and depression at the vessel wall, (4) factional film coverage of the spoked wheel cutouts, and (5) mass-transfer coefficient.