Macromolecular Research, Vol.17, No.10, 797-806, October, 2009
Mechanical and Thermal Behavior of Polyamide-6/Clay Nanocomposite Using Continuum-based Micromechanical Modeling
The mechanical and thermal behaviors of polyamide-6/clay nanocomposites were studied using the continuum-based, micromechanical models such as Mori-Tanaka, Halpin-Tsai and shear lag. Mechanic-based model prediction provides a better understanding regarding the dependence of the nanocomposites’ reinforcement efficiency on conventional filler structural parameters such as filler aspect ratio (α), filler orientation (S), filler weight fraction (ψf), and filler/matrix stiffness ratio (Ef /Em). For an intercalated and exfoliated nanocomposite, an effective, filler-based, micromechanical model that includes effective filler structural parameters, the number of platelets per stack (n) and the silicate inter-layer spacing (d001), is proposed to describe the mesoscopic intercalated filler and the nanoscopic exfoliated filler. The proposed model nicely captures the experimental modulus behaviors for both intercalated and exfoliated nanocomposites. In addition, the model prediction of the heat distortion temperature is examined for nanocomposites with different filler aspect ratio. The predicted heat distortion temperature appears to be reasonable compared to the heat distortion temperature obtained by experimental tests. Based on both the experimental results and model prediction, the reinforcement efficiency and heat resistance of the polyamide-6/clay nanocomposites definitely depend on both conventional (α, S, ψf, Ef /Em) and effective (n, d001) filler structural parameters.
Keywords:micromechanical model;heat distortion temperature;polyamide-6/clay nanocomposite;filler structural parameters
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