Applied Chemistry, Vol.13, No.2, 233-236, October, 2009
ITER SDS BED 재질에 따른 열전달 특성
Heat Transfer Characteristics acconJing to the Material of ITER SDS bed
The roles of the ZrCo hydride bed in the ITER storage and delivery system(SDS) is to store and supply D-T fuel during DT plasma operation. The hydride bed requires the performance of fast recovery and delivery of D-T. For the hydriding/dchydriding process, it is important to improve the dehydriding rate based on heat transfer efficiency. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to improve the heating performance in the ITER ZrCo bed. This paper shows a simple ZrCo bed model. To evaluate the heat transfer characteristics, it was compared with the change of temperature in the bed for time as the material of the bed was changed using FE-simulation.