Current Microbiology, Vol.59, No.3, 221-226, 2009
Magnetosome Formation and Expression of mamA, mms13, mms6 and magA in Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 Exposed to Pulsed Magnetic Field
To investigate the effects of pulsed magnetic field on magnetosome formation in Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1, cultures inoculated with either mangetic or non-magnetic pre-cultures were incubated under 1 mT pulsed magnetic field. Magnetism of cells was measured by using spectrophotometer coupled with applied magnetic fields and the values were described as C (mag). Magnetosome in cells was counted by transmission electron microscopy observation. The results showed that pulsed magnetic field did not affect cellular growth, but enhanced magnetosome formation. The applied pulsed magnetic field might exceed the chain of magnetosomes and change the homogeneity of the magnetosome particles. The results implied that magnetite precipitation induced by the adjacent magnetosome was affected by pulsed magnetic field. Moreover, the applied pulsed magnetic field up-regulated the magA and mamA expression in cells, which might account for the increasing number and the exceeding chain of magnetosomes in cells.