Electrophoresis, Vol.29, No.18, 3759-3767, 2008
Evaluation of carrier ampholyte-based capillary electrophoresis for separation of
Carrier ampholyte-based capillary electrophoresis (CABCE) has recently been introduced as an alternative to CE (CZE) in the classical buffers. In this study, isoelectric BGEs were obtained by fractionation of Servalyt pH 4-9 carrier ampholytes to cuts of typical width of 0.2 pH unit. CABCE feasibility was examined on a series of insect oostatic peptides, i.e. proline-rich di- to decapeptides, and phosphinic pseudopeptides - tetrapeptide mimetics synthesized as a mixture of four diastereomers having the -P(O)(OH)-CH2- moiety embedded into the peptide backbone. With identical selectivity, the separation efficiency of CABCE proved to be as good as classical CE for the insect oostatic peptides and better for diastereomers of the phosphinic pseudopeptides. In addition, despite the numerous species present in the narrow pH cuts of carrier ampholytes, CABCE seems to be free of system zones that could hamper the analysis. Peak symmetry was good for moderately to low mobile peptides, whereas some peak distortion due to electromigration dispersion, was observed for short peptides of rather high mobility.
Keywords:CABCE;Insect oostatic peptides;Isoelectric background electrolyte;Phosphinic pseudopeptides;System zones