Energy & Fuels, Vol.23, 4502-4506, 2009
Effect of Pretreatment and Additives on Boron Release during Pyrolysis and Gasification of Coal
Boron is one of the most texie and highly valatile elements present ill coal, As part. of it series of studios carried out oil coal cleaning to prevent environmental problems and to promote efficient coal utilization processes, the removal of boron by leaching with water and acetic acid has been investigated, The effects of the addition of ash components, that is, SiO2, Al2O3, and CaO on the control of boron release during pyrolysis and gasification were investigated. Here, 20-70% or boron in coal was removed by leaching the coal with water and acetic acid. Boron leached by water and acetic acid was related to the volatiles released from coal in pyrolysis below 1173 K. The addition of ash components such as SiO2 and Al2O3 wits found to be effective in suppressing the release of boron during pyrolysis temperatures below and above 1173K, respectively. The addition of CaO to coal was effective in suppressing the release of boron during gasification tit 1173 K.