Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol.47, No.20, 7903-7916, 2008
Comparison of Corresponding-States-Based Correlations for the Prediction of the Vaporization Enthalpy of Fluids
Four analytical correlations, including one proposed very recently, were used to calculate the enthalpy of vaporization of fluids. These correlations are based on the Pitzer et al. corresponding states principle and require as input the critical temperature and the acentric factor. They have generally been applied only to a reduced number of normal fluids (nonpolar, slightly polar, non-hydrogen-bonding, and nonquantum fluids), but in this paper we check their accuracy and applicability for 1594 polar and nonpolar fluids grouped into 81 families. The results are compared with the values accepted by the DIPPR project. Recommendations are given for the use of each model and for the choice of the adequate model for each family of fluids. In particular, we found that the most recent model, proposed by Morgan, gives the best results for most of the families and behaves better than the other models at both high and low temperatures.