Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol.47, No.22, 8918-8925, 2008
Determination of CO2 Minimum Miscibility Pressure from Measured and Predicted Equilibrium Interfacial Tensions
Accurate determination of the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) of a crude oil-CO2 system at the actual reservoir temperature is required in order to determine whether CO2 flooding is immiscible or miscible under the actual reservoir pressure. The objective of this study is to determine the MMPs of a crude oil-CO2 system from its measured and predicted equilibrium interfacial tension (IFT) versus equilibrium pressure data at a constant temperature. In the experiment, first, the CO2 solubilities in the crude oil are measured under four different equilibrium pressures. Second, the equilibrium IFTs of the crude oil-CO2 system are measured at 12 different equilibrium pressures and a constant temperature of T = 27 degrees C by applying the axisymmetric drop shape analysis (ADSA) technique for the pendant drop case. The detailed experimental results show that the CO2 solubility in the crude oil is increased almost linearly with the equilibrium pressure. It is also found that the measured crude oil-CO2 equilibrium IFT is reduced almost linearly with the equilibrium pressure as long as it is lower than a threshold pressure. The measured equilibrium IFT versus equilibrium pressure data are used to determine the MMP of the crude oil-CO2 system by applying the so-called vanishing interfacial tension (VIT) technique. In addition, the equilibrium IFT versus equilibrium pressure data of the crude oil-CO2 system are predicted by using the parachor model and linear gradient theory (LGT) model, respectively. The predicted equilibrium IFT data from each model are also used to determine the MMP of the same crude oil-CO2 system. Comparison of the MMPs determined from the two equilibrium IFT prediction models and that determined from the measured equilibrium IFTs shows that the LGT model is suitable for determining the MMP of the crude oil-CO2 system.