Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol.112, No.31, 9501-9506, 2008
Computer simulations of the refolding of sperm whale apomyoglobin from high-temperature denaturated state
The refolding rnechanism of apomyoglobin (apoMb) subsequent to high-temperature unfolding has been examined using computer simulations with atomic level detail. The folding of this protein has been extensively studied experimentally, providing a large database of folding parameters which can be probed using simulations. In the present study, 4-folding trajectories of apoMb were computed starting from coiled structures. A crystal structure of sperm whale myoglobin taken from the Protein Data Bank was used to construct the final native conformation by removal of the heme group followed by energy optimization. The initial unfolded conformations were obtained from high-temperature molecular dynamics simulations. Room-temperature refolding trajectories at neutral pH were obtained using the stochastic difference equation in length algorithm. The folding trajectories were compared with experimental results and two previous molecular dynamics studies at low pH. In contrast to the previous simulations, an extended intermediate with large helical content was not observed. In the present study, a structural collapse occurs without formation of helices or native contacts. Once the protein structure is more compact (radius of gyration < 18 angstrom) secondary and tertiary structures appear. These results suggest that apoMb follows a different folding pathway after high-temperature denaturation.