Macromolecular Research, Vol.18, No.1, 8-13, January, 2010
Effects of Polythiophene as a Photosensitizer on Dynamic and Steady-State Photorefractive Performance in Polymeric Composites
This study examined the effects of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) as a photosensitizer on the dynamic and steady-state photorefractive (PR) performance of polymeric composites. The performance was measured in terms of the magnitude and buildup speed of the PR grating. Absorption quenching was observed in a PR composite that was doped with P3HT/fullerene (C-60). This absorption quenching was attributed to disordering of the P3HT chains, and charge transfer between P3HT and C-60. The magnitude and buildup speed of the PR grating were strongly dependent on space charge formation, which was affected by visible light absorption and the hole mobility.
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