Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.27, No.5, 1391-1396, September, 2010
Laminar heat transfer of non-Newtonian nanofluids in a circular tube
Forced convection heat transfer behavior of three different types of nanofluids flowing through a uniformly heated horizontal tube under laminar regime has been investigated experimentally. Nanofluids were made by dispersion of γ-Al2O3, CuO, and TiO2 nanoparticles in an aqueous solution of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). All nanofluids as well as the base fluid exhibit shear-thinning behavior. Results of heat transfer experiments indicate that both average and the local heat transfer coefficients of nanofluids are larger than that of the base fluid. The enhancement of heat transfer coefficient increases by increasing nanoparticle loading. At a given Peclet number and nanoparticle concentration the local heat transfer coefficient decreases by axial distance from the test section inlet. It seems that the thermal entry length of nanofluids is greater than the base fluid and becomes longer as nanoparticle concentration increases.
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