Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, Vol.22, No.2, 105-111, June, 2010
Peristaltic transport of a Casson fluid in an inclined channel
Peristaltic transport of a Casson fluid in an inclined channel is analyzed under long wavelength and low Reynolds number assumptions. The flow is investigated in a wave frame of reference moving with velocity of the wave. The expressions for velocity, stream function, pressure rise, flow rate and flow resistance are obtained. The combined effect of plug width and angle of inclination on pumping characteristics, frictional force on wall and trapping phenomenon is discussed. It is observed that the angle of inclination and plug width of the fluid show significant impact on pressure rise, frictional force and formation of trapped bolus. It is also observed that the effect of frictional force with respect to each parameter is similar but in converse to the case of pressure rise distribution.
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