Korean Chemical Engineering Research, Vol.48, No.4, 499-505, August, 2010
두 개의 기포유동층으로 구성된 연속장치에서 CO2 회수를 위한 K-계열 고체흡수제의 수력학적 특성 및 반응특성
Study of Hydrodynamics and Reaction Characteristics of K-based Solid Sorbents for CO2 Capture in a Continuous System Composed of Two Bubbling Fluidized-bed Reactors
본 연구에서는 두 개의 기포유동층으로 구성된 연속장치(높이: 1.2 m, 내경: 0.11 m)를 이용하여 실험장치의 최소유동화속도와 고체순환량을 측정하여 수력학적 특성을 파악하고 흡수-재생 조업변수에 의한 반응특성을 알아보았다. 사용된 K-계열 건식흡수제는 한국전력연구원으로부터 공급되었고 CO2 흡수를 위한 35%의 탄산칼륨과 기계적 강도를 위한 65%의 지지체로 구성되어 있다. 연속 장치는 두 개의 기포유동층 반응기, 수송관, 상승관, 냉각장치, 분석기, 히터 등으로 구성되어 있다. 이 장치의 최소유동화속도는 0.0088 m/s이고 수송관의 유속이 1.05 m/s일 때 고체순환량은 10.3 kg/m2-s로 측정되었다. 모사가스를 이용하여 실험을 수행하였고 흡수반응기 입구 CO2 농도(Dry basis)는 약 10 vol%였고, 온도는 흡수반응온도 70 ℃, 재생반응온도 200 oC에서 각각 일정하게 유지하였다. 반응기의 차압은 흡수반응기 415 mmH2O, 재생반응기 350 mmH2O에서 안정적으로 유지하였다. 실험은 조업변수들인 H2O 주입농도(7.28~19.66%), 모사가스 유속(0.053~0.103 m/s), 흡수반응온도(60~80 ℃), 생반응온도(150~200 ℃), 고체순환량(7.0~10.3 kg/m2-s)의 변화에 따라 반응실험이 실시되었다. 각 변수실험은 정상상태 도달 후 1시간 정도 유지한 후 결과를 저장, 분석하였다. 실험결과 수증기 주입량, 재생반응온도, 고체순환량이 증가할수록 제거율은 증가하였고 흡수반응온도, 유속이 증가함에 따라 제거율은 감소하였다.
In this study, hydrodynamics and reaction characteristic of K-based solid sorbents for CO2 capture were investigated using a continuous system composed of two bubbling fluidized-bed reactors(1.2 m tall bed with 0.11 m i.d.). Potassium-based dry sorbents manufactured by the Korea Electric Power Research Institute were used, which were composed of K2CO3 of 35% for CO2 absorption and supporters of 65% for mechanical strength. The continuous system consists of two bubbling fluidized-bed reactors, solid injection nozzle, riser, chiller, analyzer and heater for regeneration reaction. The minimum fluidizing velocity of the continuous system was 0.0088 m/s and the solid circulation rate measured was 10.3 kg/m2-s at 1.05 m/s velocity of the solid injection nozzle. The CO2 concentration of the simulated gas was about 10 vol% in dry basis. Reaction temperature in carbonator and regenerator were maintained about 70 ℃ and 200 ℃, respectively. Differential pressures, which were maintained in carbonator and regenerator, were about 415 mmH2O and 350 mmH2O, respectively. In order to find out reaction characteristics of dry sorbents, several experiments were performed according to various experimental conditions such as H2O content(7.28~19.66%) in feed gas, velocity (0.053~0.103 m/s) of simulated gas, temperature(60~80 ℃) of a carbonator, temperature(150~200 ℃) of a regenerator and solid circulation rate(7.0~10.3 kg/m2-s). The respective data of operating variables were saved and analyzed after maintaining one hour in a stable manner. As a result of continuous operation, CO2 removal tended to increase by increasing H2O content in feed gas, temperature of a regenerator and solid circulation rate and to decrease by increasing temperature of a carbonator and gas velocity in a carbonator.
Keywords:CO2;Capture;K-based Solid Sorbents;Bubbling Fluidized-bed Reactors;Continuous System;Hydrodynamics;Reaction Characteristics
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