Combustion Science and Technology, Vol.182, No.10, 1457-1477, 2010
Simplified Flame Models and Prediction of the Thermal Radiation Emitted by a Flame Front in an Outdoor Fire
The authors proposed a comparison between 2 simplified flame models. The first flame model uses the radiant surface approach with a new analytical expression for the heat flux. The second one is derived from the Radiative Transfer Equation. The fire front has been considered as a line characterized by some geometric and physical parameters. Two assumptions are used to model the flame, either a radiant plane or a volumetric flame. The flame parameters have been identified from experiments using video records and applying an inverse method. These two models were tested against fires carried out in a fire tunnel and found to perform very well considering the complicate nature of the flame geometry and flame characteristics. The need to determine the heat flux from a large-scale fire has lead to make a number of assumptions. By means of the proposed modeling, the authors try to determine the extent to which the range of assumptions made disqualifies some simplified flame models from use.