Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.28, No.3, 674-685, March, 2011
CO2 geological storage: A review on present and future prospects
CO2 can be stored in geological media for hundreds to thousands of years depending on the location and trapping mechanism(s) involved. A saline aquifer presents the largest capacity available for CO2 storage among all geological storage options. Two main methodologies proposed by the Department of Energy, US (DOE) and carbon sequestration leadership forum (CSLF) are used for capacity estimation of geological locations for CO2 storage. A study
conducted by Global CCS Institute in 2010 identified 80 large scale integrated projects which will prove to be a huge step in building confidence and commercialization of storage projects in the near future. Use of reliable monitoring tools and accurate simulation software is a must for safe and cost-effective CO2 storage.
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