Journal of Power Sources, Vol.195, No.23, 7757-7760, 2010
Study of new macroamorcors and grafted copolymers by ozonisation of poly(vinyliden fluoride)
We studied the synthesis of a macroamorcors containing poly(vinyliden fluoride) (PVDF) obtained by an ozonisation reaction. On one hand, we optimised the reaction in order to control the rate of oxidation and on the other hand the ozonised polymer was also proportioned, which enabled us to determine the rate of active oxygen T(0 degrees) and the rate of peroxide and hydroperoxide. We noticed an average of 5.5 x 10(-6) mol g(-1), a relatively lower rate T(0 degrees) compared to those obtained for polyethylene (PE) and the poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), respectively of 5.6 x 10(-5) and 28 x 10(-5) mol g(-1). With regard to these two products, the presence of CH and C-Cl bonds sensitive to the action of powerful agents of oxidation such as ozone makes it easy to obtain compounds of oxidation of peroxides type and hydroperoxides compared to the PVDF for which the C-F bond which has proven to be stronger. In the same way, this study showed that the technique of ozonisation of the powder PVDF, despite of the insufficient rates of oxidation to which it leads, remains the most adequate adapted because it leads to a reduced increase in mass of the product. We studied the graft of various monomers using the techniques in solid and in solution. From this study we deduce that solid graft technique, besides its easy way of making, leads to better efficiency rates of graft with relatively short time reaction in comparison with those carried out in solution. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.