Rheologica Acta, Vol.50, No.1, 75-86, 2011
Bread dough rheology: an improved damage function model
We describe an improved damage function model for bread dough rheology. The model has relatively few parameters, all of which can easily be found from simple experiments as discussed in this paper. Small deformations in the linear region are described by a gel-like power-law memory function. Then, we consider a set of large non-reversing deformations-stress relaxation after a step of shear, steady shearing and elongation beginning from rest and biaxial stretching. With the introduction of a revised strain measure which includes a Mooney-Rivlin term, all of these motions can be well described by the damage function described previously. For reversing step strains, larger amplitude oscillatory shearing and recoil we present a discussion which shows how the damage function model can be applied in these cases.