Transport in Porous Media, Vol.84, No.3, 629-653, 2010
Theoretical Analyses of the Effects of Solute Dispersion on Chemical-Dissolution Front Instability in Fluid-Saturated Porous Media
This article deals with the theoretical aspects of chemical-dissolution front instability problems in two-dimensional fluid-saturated porous media including solute dispersion effects. Since the solute equilibrium concentration is much smaller than the molar density of the dissolvable mineral in a mineral dissolution system, a limit case, in which the ratio of the solute equilibrium concentration (in the pore fluid) to the molar density of the dissolvable mineral (in the solid matrix of the porous medium) approaches zero, is considered in the theoretical analysis. Under this assumption, the critical condition under which a planar chemical-dissolution front becomes unstable has been mathematically derived when solute dispersion effects are considered. The present theoretical results clearly demonstrated that: (1) the propagation speed of a planar chemical-dissolution front in the case of considering solute dispersion effects is the same as that when solute dispersion effects are neglected. This indicates that solute dispersion does not affect the propagation speed of the planar chemical-dissolution front in a fluid-saturated porous medium. (2) The consideration of solute dispersion can cause a significant increase in the critical Zhao number, which is used to judge whether or not a planar chemical-dissolution front may become unstable in the fluid-saturated porous medium. This means that the consideration of solute dispersion can stabilize a planar chemical-dissolution front, because an increase in the critical Zhao number reduces the likelihood of the planar chemical-dissolution front instability in a fluid-saturated porous medium. In addition, the present results can be used as benchmark solutions for verifying numerical methods employed to simulate detailed morphological evolution processes of chemical dissolution fronts in two-dimensional fluid-saturated porous media.