Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.16, No.3, 388-391, May, 1999
A Simple Method to Determine the Adsorption Isotherm of Taxol from a Yew Tree
Taxol, a powerful anticancer agent, was extracted from yew extract and separated by NP-HPLC (Normal-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography). At the mobile phase composition of hexane/IPA/MeOH, 90/4/6 vol%, taxol was preparatively separated in a chromatographic column with large packings (15 μm). The purified taxol was used to determine the adsorption isotherm of taxol. From the experimental results, the adsorption isotherm was obtained as the following Langmuir type,
To obtain the adsorption isotherm, only two injections of a small and large amount of taxol were required, and the Langmuir adsorption parameters were calculated from the assumption of monolayer coverage on the solid surface.
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