Polymer(Korea), Vol.35, No.6, 610-614, November, 2011
전조사법에 의한 PVBC-g-ETFE 필름 제조 시 용매의 영향 평가
Evaluation of the Effect of Solvent on the Preparation of PVBC-g-ETFE Film by a Pre-irradiation Method
본 연구에서는 방사선 전조사법으로 ETFE(polyethylene-co-tetrafluoroethylene) 불소고분자 필름에 VBC (vinylbenzyl chloride) 단량체를 그래프트할 경우 사용되는 용매의 영향을 평가하였다. ETFE 필름을 전자선을 조사하여 필름에 라디칼을 형성시킨 후 톨루엔, 햅탄, 이소프로판올 등 다양한 용매로 희석된 VBC 단량체 혼합물에 넣어 그래프트 반응을 진행시켜 그래프트율을 측정하였다. VBC-g-ETFE 필름은 FTIR 기기를 사용하여 성공적으로 그래프트 되었음을 확인하였다. 여러 용매에서 제조된 필름의 기계적 강도와 필름 단면에 그래프트된 VBC 고분자의 분포도를 측정하여 용매의 영향을 평가하였다.
In this study, the effect of solvent on the pre-irradiation grafting of VBC(vinylbenzyl chloride) onto a ETFE(polyethylene-co-tetrafluoroethylene) was evaluated. ETFE film was irradiated to generate radical species onto its backbone chain. Each irradiated film was immersed into VBC monomer mixtures diluted with various solvents such as toluene, heptane, and isopropanol etc. for grafting process and then the degree of grafting of each film was measured. FTIR analysis confirmed that the VBC-g-ETFE film was successful prepared. For the films prepared in the various solvents, the mechanical strength and the distribution pattern of the graft polymer over the cross-section of the films were measured and the effect of solvent was evaluated.
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