International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.54, No.19-20, 4247-4265, 2011
A statistical model for predicting the fluid displaced/added mass and displaced heat capacity effects on transport and heat transfer of arbitrary-density particles in turbulent flows
The objective of the paper is twofold: (i) to present a new statistical model for predicting the transport and heat transfer of arbitrary-density particles suspended in turbulent flows and (ii) to examine the performance of this model in an isotropic velocity flow field without and with a mean temperature gradient as well as in a near-wall turbulent flow. The model presented is based on a kinetic equation for the probability density function (PDF) of velocity and temperature distributions and coves the entire range of the particle-to-fluid density ratio (from heavy particles in a gas to bubbles in a liquid). (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.