Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.18, No.4, 1446-1449, July, 2012
An effective process for removing organic compounds from oily sludge using soluble metallic salt
This study evaluates the application of wet oxidation for the treatment of oily sludge by using hydrogen peroxide as oxidant instead of air at high temperature in a batch reactor. The experimental results show that the quantity of oxidant with 250% to theoretical oxygen demand of oily sludge is comparatively effective and economica1. Adding a catalyst, Fe3+, significantly improved the COD removal. Reaction mechanism for WO of oily sludge is analyzed. Oxidation of intermediate for oily sludge is a rate-limiting step for further oxidation of oily sludge.
Keywords:Wet oxidation;Hydrogen peroxide;COD removal;Homogenous catalyst;Oily sludge;Reaction mechanism
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