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International Journal of Control, Vol.70, No.1, 149-168, 1998
Proportional-integral-plus (PIP) design for delta (delta) operator systems - Part 2. MIMO systems
The proportional-integral-plus (PIP) controller for single-input, single-output, linear systems described by delta (delta) operator models, as presented in a companion paper, is extended to linear, multi-input, multi-output systems. The resulting multivariable PIP control law exploits the full power of state variable feedback control within a non-minimum state-space setting. In this manner, it allows not only for closed-loop pole assignment or linear quadratic optimal control, but also for the simultaneous achievement of multiple objectives, such as the combination of rapid response, smooth input activation and full, or partial, dynamic decoupling. The effectiveness of the design procedure is illustrated by both simulation and practical examples.