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Korean Journal of Rheology, Vol.7, No.3, 261-266, December, 1995
원관에서 Power-Law 유체의 수력학적 입구길이와 입구보정계수에 관한 연구
Hydrodynamic Entrance Lengths and Entrance Correction Factors for a POWER-LAW Fluid in a Circular Duct
원관에서 power-law 유체에 대하여 수력학적 입구길이와 입구보정계수를 측정할 수 있는 새로운 방법이 개발되었다. 유변학적 성질을 측정할 수 있는 긴 관과 입구보정 계수를 측정할 수 있는 짧은 관을 가진 새로운 모세관 점도계 (capillary tube viscometer)를 이용하여 증류수를 실험한 결과 유변학적 성질과 입구 보정계수가 표준값과 비교하여 1%안의 오차를 얻었다. Power-law 유체에 대한 해석 및 실험결과(Carbopol 960 용액)도 이미 보고된 값과 ±6% 이내로 잘 일치하였다.
A new technique to measure the hydrodynamic entrance length and entrance correction factor for a power-law fluid in a circular duct has been developed. By using a newly designed capillary tube viscometer which has two tubes i.e. the long tube to measure rheological properties (n and K) and the short tube to measure the entrance correction factor C. Measurements were made with distilled water to verify the present experimental work. As a result, less than l% difference including rheological properties as compared with the standard values appeared to be satisfactory. For a power-law fluid, present analysis and experiments(far Carbopol 960 solutions) are in good agreement within ±6% with other investigation reported previously.
Keywords:Rheological property;entrance length;entrance correction factor;capillary tube viscometer;power-law fluid
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