International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.38, No.6, 1075-1088, 1995
Evolution of the Temperature Drop Across a Stack of Boards During Drying - Improvement of Kiln Control
This paper aims to analyse the temperature drop (temperature loss of the superheated steam across a stack of boards) during convective drying of wood at high temperature. The study is based on measurements made in an adapted test section of an aerodynamic wind tunnel for simulating a stack of five (27 mm x 150 mm x 1000 mm) boards located parallel to the horizontal plane of symmetry of the test section and separated From one other by a 20 mm gap. The results are compared to those obtained from a global enthalpic balance (from the derivation of the kinetic drying curve) and to those resulting from the integration of a local enthalpic balance which needs the characteristic drying curve (van Meel model). The good agreement leads us to suppose that control of the drying by the temperature drop evolutions could be used. Nevertheless, two Factors are sources of error : the heat loss inherent in the kiln and, in the case of wood. the variability of the characteristic drying curve. The effects of both parameters are quantified. It emerges from the study that, taking gnat precautions, the preciseness can be improved in such a way that kiln control by the temperature drop becomes possible. Taking account of the simplicity of implementing the temperature probes and of the global information it gives, the system can also be used as a complement of other existing devices.