Transport in Porous Media, Vol.90, No.3, 741-761, 2011
Compositional Streamline Simulation: A Parallel Implementation
Compositional reservoir simulators are needed to model oil recovery from petroleum reservoirs by miscible gas injection. This article describes the development and application of a parallel version of a compositional streamline simulator. A compositional streamline module is developed and integrated with an existing finite-difference simulator. Finite-difference calculations including pressure solution are performed on a single processor. The movement of fluids (which includes streamline tracing, mappings, flux calculations, and one-dimensional solver) is done along streamlines in the streamline module. The streamline module is parallelized by distributing streamlines among different processors because computations along any streamline are independent of other streamlines and no communication is required. Flux calculation along streamlines is computationally expensive primarily due to flash calculations that are performed to distribute components among the hydrocarbon phases. Simultaneous solution of this time-consuming step results in reduction of total CPU time. Communication (gathering) across the streamlines or processors is achieved by using message passing interface (MPI). Test runs are conducted for different examples to investigate the performance of the parallel streamline simulator. Results indicate that significant reduction in CPU time can be obtained by distributing streamlines on different processors.