Transport in Porous Media, Vol.91, No.2, 363-376, 2012
Fractal Prediction Model of Spontaneous Imbibition Rate
By utilizing fractal dimension as one of the parameters to characterize rocks, a mathematical model was derived to predict the production rate by spontaneous imbibition. This fractal production model predicts a power law relationship between spontaneous imbibition rate and time. Fractal dimension can be estimated from the fractal production model using the experimental data of spontaneous imbibition in porous media. The experimental data of recovery in gas-water-rock and oil-water-rock systems were used to test the fractal production model. The rocks (Berea sandstone, chalk, and The Geysers graywacke) in which the spontaneous water imbibition experiments were conducted had different permeabilities ranging from 0.5 to over 1000 md. The results demonstrate that the fractal production model can match the experimental data satisfactorily in the cases studied. The fractal dimension data inferred from the model match were approximately equal to the values of fractal dimension measured using a different technique (mercury-intrusion capillary pressure) in Berea sandstone.