Advanced Functional Materials, Vol.22, No.9, 1885-1893, 2012
Utilization of All Hydrothermally Synthesized Red, Green, Blue Nanophosphors for Fabrication of Highly Transparent Monochromatic and Full-Color Plasma Display Devices
Visible transparency is one of the attributes pursued in the advancement of display devices. Such a transparency can be realized in a plasma display device simply by applying Y(V,P)O4:Eu red-, Y(V,P)O4:Tm blue-, and LaPO4:Ce,Tb green-emitting nanophosphors with a controlled particle size and reasonable luminescence. The nanophosphors of three primary colors are all hydrothermally synthesized and annealed at appropriate conditions. Highly transparent, uniform emissive layers are deposited by screen-printing the nanophosphor pastes. Using respective screen-printed nanophosphor layers of red, blue, and green, monochromatic transparent test panels of plasma display are fabricated and characterized. Ultimately, a white-luminescing full-color transparent panel is successfully demonstrated by line-patterning the individual nanophosphor layers. Furthermore, for an effort to extract more photons and thus improve the brightness of the test panel, polystyrene monolayer-based 2D photonic crystal is introduced as a scattering medium on the outer surface of the panel and its usefulness was proved.