Electrophoresis, Vol.33, No.9-10, 1477-1481, 2012
Multiplex quantitative foodborne pathogen detection using high resolution CE-SSCP coupled stuffer-free multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification
Sensitive multiplex detection methods for foodborne pathogens are important in controlling food safety, and detection of genetic markers is accepted to be one of the best tools for sensitive detection. Although CE technology offers great potential in terms of sensitive multiplex detection, the necessary amplification is confined to markers sharing common primers such as the 16S rRNA gene. For precise and sensitive detection, pathogen-specific genes are optimal markers. Although multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) is appropriate for amplification of specific markers, the requirement for stuffers, to ensure length-dependent separation on CE, is a major obstacle in detection of foodborne pathogens. In the present study, we developed stuffer-free MLPA using high-resolution CE-SSCP to sensitively detect ten foodborne pathogens. The probe set for MLPA prior to CE-SSCP analysis was designed for species-specific detection. After careful optimization of each MLPA step, to ensure that CE-SSCP analysis was informative, we found that all ten pathogens could be reliably identified; the limits of detection were 0.55 pg of genomic DNA, and more than 100-fold increase could be quantitatively determined. Thus, MLPA-CE-SSCP is a sensitive and reliable technique for pathogen detection.