초록 |
High-temperature Organic and Polymeric ferromagnetic materials have been attempted by many researchers since the 1960's. To achieve the ferromagnetism, The structures of organic and polymeric compounds with high spin multiplicity are also proposed and synthesized. In the earlier studies, the high-temperature ferromagnetism was stated in natural DNA in dried state and discotic liquid crystals with a small amount of intercalators by using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and superconducting quantum interference device(SQUID) measurements. In this presentation, the high-temperature ferromagnetic properties of organic and polymeric composites including natural dna and discotic liquid crystals et al. will be discussed in terms of spin states and ferromagnetic properties. This new findings and understandings for the magnetism of organic and polymeric compounds enable to trailblaze new high-temperature organic and polymeric ferromagnetic materials and devices. |