학회 한국공업화학회
학술대회 2015년 봄 (04/29 ~ 05/01, BEXCO (부산))
권호 19권 1호
발표분야 무기재료_포스터
제목 Hydrolysis and Condensation Reaction of Cycloalkyltrialkoxysilane
초록 The hydrolysis and condensation of cycloalkyltrialkoxysilanes as cyclopentyltrimethoxysilane and cyclohexyltrimethoxysilane have been studied in the presence of acid and base catalyst. The cycloalkyltrialkoxysilanes underwent both reactions in step by step to give cycloalkylsilanepolyols and their condensation products. Cycloalkylsilanetriols were obtained as powders in good yields (80-90%) by the hydrolysis of cycloalkyltrialkoxysilanes in acidic aqueous solution (pH ≒3.5). Cycloalkylsilanetriols are soluble in water and undergo easily the condensation to various polysilsesquioxane products under thermal, acidic or basic conditions. The characterization of cycloalkylsilanetriols and polysilsesquioxane products were carried out using 1H, 13C, 29Si NMR, IR, GPC techniques. We will discuss the chemistry of cycloalkylsilanepolyols and their condensation in details.
저자 송영지1, 한준수1, 홍창섭2, 유복렬1
소속 1한국과학기술(연), 2고려대
키워드 silane; silsesquioxane; hydrolsis