초록 |
Influenza, one of the most highly contagious diseases, is predominantly transmitted through aerosols, leading to the development of filter-based protective equipment. Chemically modifying filters with molecules capable of binding viruses has received attention as a promising approach for production of virus-capturing filters. Tannic acid (TA), a plant-derived polyphenol can be a promising molecule to be used for filter functionalization due to its antiviral activities. This study demonstrates the facile preparation of TA-functionalized high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter materials and their efficiency for influenza virus capture. The TA-functionalized HEPA filter exhibits a high in-solution virus capture efficiency of up to 2,723 pfu/mm2 within 10 minutes, indicating that TA-HF is a potent anti-influenza filter for preventing the spread of pathogenic viruses. |