학회 한국고분자학회
학술대회 2012년 봄 (04/12 ~ 04/13, 대전컨벤션센터)
권호 37권 1호
발표분야 고분자구조 및 물성
제목 characterization of knotted cyclic polystyrene by HPLC
초록 We illustrate separation of linear and unknotted , complex knotted polystyrene on the use of chromatography. Liquid chromatography is widely used for the analysis and characterization of cyclic polymers, as well as for the separation of cyclic products from linear precursors. According to the theory, the chromatography under the liquid chromatography critical condition is expected for diffusion coefficient(K) to be different individually in knotted PS and unknotted. We should characterize complex knotted PS.
저자 정윤철, 장태현
소속 포항공대 첨단재료과학부
키워드 HPLC