초록 |
CH4 can be chlorinated to a series of chloromethane compounds (i.e., CH3Cl, CH2Cl2, CHCl3 and CCl4) in the presence of molecular chlorine gas (Cl2). Among the possible chlorinated products, CH3Cl can be usefully converted to olefin and hydrocarbon though other chlorinated products did not. Accordingly, the selective chlorination of CH4 using Cl2 to produce CH3Cl is very important, for which the heterolytic cleavage of Cl2 molecule should be preferred to the homolytic cleavage to two chlorine radicals. In this work, effects of zeolite framework types and Si/Al ratios on the CH3Cl productivity were investigated, which demonstrated that the CH4 conversion, CH3Cl selectivity, and hence CH3Cl yield could be remarkably controlled by the catalysts properties. The details of CH4 chlorination and the results are going to be discussed in this poster. |