초록 |
We demonstrated on how to improve the performances depending on charge carrier dynamics of organic and perovskite solar cells using by optimized nanomorphology and nanotechnology. First of all, we have been designed transparent PEDOT:PSS anodes which exhibit the comparable sheet resistance under 100 Ω•cm-2 by inserting DMSO and fluorosurfactant (Zonyl) for BHJ OPVs. Secondly, we devised stamping transfer by polyurethane acrylate film using by 2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate and the mold film features modified surface energy. Additionally, we developed a TiOx layer for the morphology-fixing agent for inhibiting PC61BM delamination due to preserve the CH3NH3PbI3 (MAPbI3) degradation in perovskite devices. Finally, we investigated the correlation between nano-morphology and electrical properties which related to the charge mobility, charge generation and extraction for the understanding of carrier dynamics. |