초록 |
Hydrogels are a unique class of polymeric materials which imbibe enormous amounts of water when left in a water reservoir for long times. The underlying property for this unusual behaviour of hydrogels is their transition from a glassy to a rubbery state when contacted with thermodynamically compatible solvents. This water sorption property of hydrogels accounts for a great number of biomedical applications. The results reported so far in literature for drug release from poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) hydrogels are suggesting its application in veterinary field. And, also many investigations of PVA hydrogels as uses of biomedical applications including implants, soft contact lenses, and artificial organs have been carried out. Hydrogels of high molecular weight (HMW) atactic (a-) PVA containing ketoprofen were prepared from 6~10% aqueous PVA solutions by freezing-thawing method in order to investigate swelling behavior, assay of differential scanning calorymetry (DSC), mechanical properties and release behaviors of ketoprofen from PVA hydrogel in phosphate buffer solution. |