초록 |
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) is very noxious compounds that the role of photochemicalsmog production by sun with hydrocarbons, and main origin material of acid rain withSO2, caused by a pulmonary edema for the human body. The origin source of NOx islargely divided by stationary and mobile source, we were deal with NOx emissionsfrom combustion of stationary source. The process of noxious NOx control is dry andwet method. It is mainly used by applied dry process due to economic merits andsecond pollution. This study was adsorption method using impregnated carbon.Carbonaceous materials have continued to be considered an attractive, although stillremote, solution to NOx control. Until the present, deNOx technology consists ofselective catalytic reduction (SCR), selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) because ofadsorption method is relatively low deNOx efficiency. For catalytic reduction includecatalyst deactivation and high installation and maintenance cost, and non-catalyticreduction typically requires a higher and narrower operational temperature range thancatalytic reduction and is also susceptible to disadvantages similar to those for catalyticreduction. Thus come out of established method, using adsorption process keeped withlow electric power consumption and low installation space, developed nation is veryactively being investigated as study that improved adsorption efficiency developed touse chemical species impregnated activated carbon with economic and large surfacearea, while our research level is the real state of non-activated part . In case settled todeNOx technology of adsorption process using impregnated activated carbon, it’s reducedby 10% level of old utility to the operation cost and second waste disposal cost. Andimport replacement effect is expected.