초록 |
Patterning of conducting polymers for printed electronics have been demonstrated using vapor deposition polymerization mediated inkjet printing (VDP-IJP). Conducting polymers such as Polypyrrole, polyaniline, polythiophene and poly(3,4-ethyldioxythiophene) were investigated as an electrode of organic printed devices. The process conditions including various oxidants, concentration of oxidants, polymerization temperature and dopants were controlled to achieve a high electrical conductivity and film uniformity. The patterned conducting polymers were characterized by FT-IR, UV-visible spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Source/drain/gate electrodes of organic thin film transistor and chemical sensor array were patterned using conducting polymers via VDP-IJP. Therefore, this VDP-IJP is believed as a facile strategy to realize flexible electronic devices. |