1 - 14 |
Effect of discharge current boost on ignition and combustion under cross flow conditions Ye C, Li XS, Yu X, Zheng M, Xu M |
15 - 27 |
A correlation for turbulent combustion speed accounting for instabilities and expansion speed in a hydrogen-natural gas spark ignition engine Gimenez B, Melgar A, Horrillo A, Tinaut FV |
28 - 41 |
Turbulent flame-vortex dynamics of bluff-body premixed flames Geikie MK, Rising CJ, Morales AJ, Ahmed KA |
42 - 54 |
Role of N2O and equivalence ratio on NOx formation of methane/nitrous oxide premixed flames Chen CH, Li YH |
55 - 64 |
A study of the spray ignition characteristics of hydro-processed renewable diesel, petroleum diesel, and biodiesel using a constant volume combustion chamber Alhikami AF, Yao CE, Wang WC |
65 - 76 |
Thermal-pyrolysis induced over-driven flame and its potential role in the negative-temperature dependence of iso-octane flame speed at elevated temperatures Yang Q, Chen Z, Susa AJ, Hanson RK, Zhao P |
77 - 87 |
Experimental and kinetic study on the low temperature oxidation and pyrolysis of formic acid in a jet-stirred reactor Yin GY, Xu JW, Hu EJ, Gao QF, Zhan HC, Huang ZH |
88 - 97 |
High-temperature synthesis in activated powder mixtures under conditions of linear heating: Ni-Al system Filimonov VY, Prokof'ev VG |
98 - 109 |
Ignition delay time and speciation of dibutyl ether at high pressures Hakimov K, Arafin F, Aljohani K, Djebbi K, Ninnemann E, Vasu SS, Farooq A |
A1 - A1 |
Professor Irvin Glassman (1923-2019) IN MEMORIAM Bowman CT, Dryer FL |
110 - 117 |
Tailoring the reactivity of printable Al/PVDF filament Collard DN, Fleck TJ, Rhoads JF, Son SF |
118 - 126 |
Effect of potassium chloride addition on soot formation during ethylene pyrolysis in a flow reactor Wang MD, Mei JY, You XQ |
127 - 141 |
Experimental and density functional theory study of the influence mechanism of oxygen on NO heterogeneous reduction in deep air-staged combustion Chen P, Gu MY, Wang DF, Wang JL, Huang XY, Wang H, Lin YY |
142 - 152 |
A data-based hybrid model for complex fuel chemistry acceleration at high temperatures Alqahtani S, Echekki T |
153 - 165 |
Pareto-efficient combustion framework for predicting transient ignition dynamics in turbulent flames: Application to a pulsed jet-in-hot-coflow flame Douasbin Q, Ihme M, Arndt C |
166 - 180 |
A comprehensive experimental and kinetic modeling study of 1-and 2-pentene Dong SJ, Zhang KW, Ninnemann EM, Najjar A, Kukkadapu G, Baker J, Arafin F, Wang ZD, Pitz WJ, Vasu SS, Sarathy SM, Senecal PK, Curran HJ |
181 - 191 |
Role of low-temperature oxidation in non-uniform end-gas autoignition and strong pressure wave generation Terashima H, Nakamura H, Matsugi A, Koshi M |
192 - 201 |
Experiments and numerical simulation on the suppression of explosion of propane/air mixture by water mist Nakahara K, Yoshida A, Nishioka M |
202 - 215 |
Effect of sidewall on the flame extension characteristics beneath a ceiling induced by carriage fire in a channel Tang F, Hu P, He Q, Zhang JP, Wen J |
216 - 229 |
Assessing the impact of multicomponent diffusion in direct numerical simulations of premixed, high-Karlovitz, turbulent flames Fillo AJ, Schlup J, Blanquart G, Niemeyer KE |
230 - 242 |
Ba-Al-decorated iron ore as bifunctional oxygen carrier and HCl sorbent for chemical looping combustion of syngas Liu GC, Wang HM, Deplazes S, Veksha A, Wirz-Tondury C, Giannis A, Lim TT, Lisak G |
243 - 253 |
Evaluating ignition propensity of high cycloparaffinic content alternative jet fuel by a chemical functional group approach Carpenter D, Nates S, Dryer FL, Won SH |
254 - 266 |
Mean field coupling mechanisms explaining the impact of the precessing vortex core on the flame transfer function Luckoff F, Kaiser TL, Paschereit CO, Oberleithner K |
267 - 270 |
Abnormal promotion effect of nitromethane on ethane ignition Shang YL, Shi JC, Ning HB, Zhang RT, Luo SN |
271 - 283 |
Ignition criteria and the effect of boundary layers on wedge-stabilized oblique detonation waves Bachman CL, Goodwin GB |
284 - 294 |
The effect of dynamic operating conditions on the thermoacoustic response of hydrogen rich flames in an annular combustor Indlekofer T, Faure-Beaulieu A, Noiray N, Dawson J |
295 - 306 |
Influence of rotational asymmetry on thermoacoustic instabilities in a can-annular lean-premixed combustor Moon K, Yoon C, Kim KT |
307 - 319 |
On the flame structure and stabilization characteristics of autoignited laminar lifted n-heptane jet flames in heated coflow air Jung KS, Kim SO, Chung SH, Yoo CS |
320 - 329 |
Study on methane oxidation affected by dimethyl ether oxidation at low temperatures using a micro flow reactor with a controlled temperature profile Nakamura H, Sugita T, Tezuka T, Maruta K |
330 - 336 |
Two-dimensional laboratory-scale DNS for knocking experiment using n-heptane at engine-like condition Morii Y, Dubey AK, Nakamura H, Maruta K |
337 - 348 |
Experiment and simulation of the effects of non-uniform magnetic field on the regression rate of PMMA Zhang ZL, Wei ZJ |
349 - 360 |
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of NO formation in premixed CH4+O-2+N-2 flames Han XL, Lavadera ML, Brackmann C, Wang ZH, He Y, Konnov AA |
361 - 375 |
A chemical kinetic perspective on the low-temperature oxidation of propane/propene mixtures through experiments and kinetic analyses Ramalingam A, Panigrahy S, Fenard Y, Curran H, Heufer KA |
376 - 381 |
RDX-Al and PETN-Al composites' glow spectral kinetics at the explosion initiated with laser pulse Aduev BP, Nurmukhametov DR, Liskov IY, Zvekov AA |
382 - 397 |
Detonation performance experiments and modeling for the DAAF-based high explosive PBX 9701 Chiquete C, Jackson SI, Anderson EK, Short M |
398 - 406 |
Small aromatic hydrocarbons control the onset of soot nucleation Gleason K, Carbone F, Sumner AJ, Drollette BD, Plata DL, Gomez A |
407 - 422 |
Direct numerical simulations and models for hot burnt gases jet ignition Male Q, Vermorel O, Ravet F, Poinsot T |
423 - 436 |
Formation of stabilized oblique detonation waves in a combustor Zhang ZJ, Wen CY, Zhang WS, Liu YF, Jiang ZL |
437 - 449 |
Investigation of PAH and soot formation in a dimethyl ether (DME) laminar coflow diffusion flame Li TJ, Mitra T, Chu C, Yuan Y, Thomson MJ |
450 - 459 |
Effect of flame surface area of downward propagating flames induced by single and double laser irradiation on transition to parametric instability Tri NTG, Dubey AK, Hashimoto N, Fujita O |
460 - 473 |
Dynamics of detonation transmission and propagation in a curved chamber: a numerical and experimental analysis Melguizo-Gavilanes J, Rodriguez V, Vidal P, Zitoun R |
474 - 485 |
Data driven analysis and prediction of MILD combustion mode Jigjid K, Tamaoki C, Minamoto Y, Nakazawa R, Inoue N, Tanahashi M |
486 - 494 |
Reduced reaction mechanism for natural gas combustion in novel power cycles Drost S, Aznar MS, Schiessl R, Ebert M, Chen JY, Maas U |
495 - 510 |
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon formation in a flame of the alkylated aromatic trimethylbenzene compared to those of the alkane dodecane Mitra T, Chu C, Naseri A, Thomson MJ |
511 - 524 |
Multidimensional simulations of Mckenna-driven flow tube configuration: Investigating non-ideality in NOx formation flow tube experiments Ahmed SF, Aghdam AC, Dryer FL, Farouk TI |
525 - 540 |
On the spurious entropy generation encountered in hybrid linear thermoacoustic models Meindl M, Silva CF, Polifke W |