Separation and Purification Technology, Vol.193, 81-90, 2018
Investigation of the fouling effect on a commercial semi-permeable membrane in the pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) process
One of the main challenges for generating osmotic power by using PRO technology is the membrane fouling which reduces the permeate flux and consequently increases the cost and decreases the osmotic power generation. In this research, different feed waters with various qualities were used to investigate the effect of fouling on a commercial membrane in PRO mode in continuous conditions. Also, the fouling mechanisms were investigated in order to study the cleaning of the membrane in PRO mode in the future research. In addition, four classic fouling models such as complete blocking model (CBM), intermediate blocking model (IBM), standard blocking model (SBM) and cake filtration model (CFM) were used. Cake enhanced osmotic pressure as a new mechanism for osmotically driven membranes was studied as well. According to the results, the fouling rate when the draw solution was synthetic salt water followed the order of: untreated river water > multimedia sand filter > microfiltation > ultrafiltration effluents. The fouling rate in ultrafiltration and microffltration effluents using sea water occurred faster compared to the results for untreated synthetic salt water. Complete fouling (permeate flux was negligible) occurred after 580 h using feed water from ultrafiltration unit. It was observed that cake filtration and cake enhanced osmotic pressure were the main fouling mechanisms that governed the membrane fouling. These models could describe the membrane fouling in PRO processes.