HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.37, No.6, 910-915, December, 1999
압력요동특성치를 이용한 유동층연소로에서 다입자계 유, 무연탄 혼합연소특성 해석
The Analysis of Combustion Characteristics of Mixed-Firing with Bituminous and Anthracite Coal Using Pressure Fluctuation Properties in a Fluidized Bed Combustor(Multi-Sized Particle System)
내경 0.155m, 높이2.2m의 유동층연소로에서 다입자계 유연탄과 무연탄의 혼합연소특성실험을 수행하였다. 다양한 실험조건에서 압력전달기를 이용하여 압력요동특성치를 측정하여 계산하였다. 압력요동특성치의 통계적 처리과정을 거쳐 압력요동의 표준편차, 정압력, 주진동수, cross-correlation function, power spectral density function을 계산하였다. 다입자계 유연탄과 유연탄을 대상으로 무연탄 혼합비, 석탄분포에 대하여 압력요동특성치와 배출회분입도분포, 배가스조성 등을 측정하여 연소특성을 해석하였다. 유동층연소로에서 혼합석탄의 연소특성 해석은 압력요동특성치중의 압력요동의 표준편차, 평균압력, power spectrum density function을 이용하여 층내의 연소영역 및 연소현상을 외부에서 관측할 수 있음을 알았으며, 주연소영역을 제시할 수 있었으며 연소입자의 분급현상을 측정할 수 있었다.
The combustion characteristics of mixture of antharcite and bituminous coal were studied in a fluidized bed(0.155m-I.D., 2.2m-height). The pressure fluctuations were measured by a pressure transducer under the various operating conditions. The properties of the pressure fluctuatuons, such as the standard deviation of pressure fluctuations, static pressure, cross-correlation function, dominant frequency and the power spectral density function, were obtained from the statistical analysis. The pressure fluctuation properties, particle size distribution of ash and composition of flue gas were measured to interpret the combustion characteristics in a fluidized bed combustor uniform of multi-sized particles of mixed anthracite and bituminous coal have been compared with the particle size distribution, antharcite mixing fraction. From this study, the combustion characteristics of mixed fuels in a fluidized bed combustor coulde be intetpreted by using standard deviation of pressure fluctuation and power spectrum distribution.
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